Aero Club of Lebanon


Get your Private Pilot License in just 40 hours! This could be your first step towards a professional career as a pilot, or the start of a very rewarding hobby that you can enjoy for many years to come. Having landed safely at our homepage, don't takeoff without booking your sight seeing flight on board one of our Cessna's. It's a lifetime adventure and is only an e-mail away!

Available aircrafts

Requirements for joining the club

Requirements for Private Pilot License (PPL) More Details & Prices

Requirements for converting a foreign license

Sight seeing flight

Cessna 150

It's a dream come true! Book your Cessna flight now, at a much reduced cost, and see the beautiful Lebanese coast and mountains from the air! You can also share this unforgettable experience with a couple of friends. For more information, or to make reservations just e-mail

Other interesting related links

The Aero Club of Lebanon
Beirut International Airport
Telephone: (01)-628000 Extension: 6439
Telephone: (03)-370928
P. O. Box 206, Beirut - Lebanon

copyright Aero-club of Lebanon. 2001-2013